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PLBPOS Interface


The PLBPOS (Product Level Blocking Point Of Sale) Interface is used for restricting specific Stock Items (such as Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling products, Gift Cards) from being purchased using specific card types (e.g. Welfare Benefit cards).

This requirement is enforced by the Government when Welfare Benefit Cards (e.g. EBT - Electronic Benefit Transfer Card) are issued to welfare recipients.

When this function is configured and enabled, any items that have been assigned to a specific Stock Item Attribute Type/Attribute will be restricted from purchase using Welfare Benefit cards.

Any other payment cards or methods that are not subject to item purchase restrictions will be permitted to purchase these items.



The PLBPOS Interface is currently available for Tyro and PC-EFTPOS AU Integrations.



Configuring PLBPOS Interface

Using PLBPOS Interface